Wednesday, December 26

Happy 6 Month Birthday Mia Rae!

Tuesday, December 25


Here I am with my Grandma Dee.

Santa brought me this soft stuffed puppy chair. His name is Porter....

Lulu claimed her new bed!

Monday, December 24

Christmas Eve

Here I am with my cousins...Jarrett, Haylee, Olivia & Aidan.

All dressed in my Christmas PJs and ready for bed!

Sunday, December 23

Chloe & Lulu getting in some quality time with Daddy while I'm napping.

Monday, November 26

Happy 5 Month Birthday Mia Rae!

Thursday, November 22

Happy Thanksgiving!

Aunt Judy came all the way down from upstate New York to spend Thanksgiving with us!

Here I am with my great Nana!

Today was my very first Thanksgiving & the first time I ate peas!

Wednesday, October 31

Trick Or Treat!

I am Mimi La Rue the Kangaroo and this is my very first Halloween!

Grandma April and her two favorite girls!

Aidan is a Storm Trooper, Olivia is Dorothy & we all know by now that I am a Kangaroo.

Here I am with my friends Paige & Samantha.

Apple Tree's Halloween Parade

We call this the "Baby Cadillac".

After the parade we all got a little hungry.

My two favorite friends at school are Nicholas & Emily.

Tuesday, October 30

Carving my very first pumpkin with Daddy!

Here I am holding my bottle all by myself!

Friday, October 26

Happy 4 Month Birthday Mia Rae!

Thursday, October 25

Mia Starts Solids - Rice Cereal

As many of you know, a white pigeon arrived on our property 2 weeks before Mia was born. Not many people quite understood the bond we had formed with him, but those of you who were fortunate enough to have met him knew how very special he was to our family.

Unfortunately, Milo is no longer with us. This is such a terrible loss for our family and we are truly devastated. Milo was more than just some random bird. He was sweet and kind and very, very personable. But most of all he was too trusting, which ended up leading him to his unfortunate and untimely death.

Even though this web site was created for all of you to share in and celebrate the life of our daughter Mia, we felt it was only right for us to pay tribute to this special bird and celebrate his life as well since many of you ask how he is doing on a regular basis. Milo will be forever missed, but we were extremely blessed to have had him in our lives, if only for a short while. Goodbye Milo.

Wednesday, October 24

Monday, October 22

It was love at first sight!

I made a new little friend this weekend. Jack was born on April 20th to proud parents Nancy & Dave Kelley and as you can see from our picture, we hit it off quite well!

Don't we make a cute couple?

Grandma & Me!

Here I am with my Grandma April at my cousin Jocelyn's wedding this past weekend. Don't we look pretty?

Sunday, October 7

Apple & Pumpkin Picking - Warwick, NY

Mimi Butterfly.....

Saturday, October 6

Mia's First Portrait - 3 months

Wednesday, September 26

Happy 3 Month Birthday Mia Rae!

Tuesday, September 25

The Baptism of Mia Rae - September 15, 2007

I am wearing my Grandma Dee's Christening gown, which my Mommy wore as well.

Here I am getting Holy!